How Long Is The Lsat Writing
About LSAT Writing
LSAT Writing is a proctored, on-demand writing exam that is administered online using secure proctoring software that is installed on the candidate's own computer.
LSAC developed LSAT Writing in response to feedback from test takers. The new approach has shortened the LSAT test day and provides more flexibility for candidates taking the exam. Using LSAT Writing, candidates can now complete the writing sample portion of the test at a convenient time and place of their choosing. We will now open LSAT Writing eight (8) days prior to every test administration. Candidates must have a complete writing sample in their file in order to see their score or have their score released to schools.
LSAT Writing uses the same decision-prompt structure that schools and candidates are already familiar with from previous LSAT administrations. This structure is specifically designed to elicit the kind of argumentative writing that candidates will be expected to produce in law school. Candidates will still be given 35 minutes to write an essay in response to the prompt that is presented to them.
LSAT Writing Resources

LSAT Writing Tutorial (30 minutes)
Learn how to prepare for LSAT Writing with this 30-minute series of short videos, slides, and activities. Lessons include LSAT Writing rules, essay tips, technical requirements, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is LSAT Writing required for applying to law schools?
For your LSAT to be considered complete, you must have at least one writing sample on file — either from an earlier paper-and-pencil administration of the LSAT or from LSAT Writing .
If you do not have a writing sample on file, we encourage you to complete LSAT Writing as soon as you can. Most law schools require a writing sample as an integral part of their admission decision, and therefore, you should take the writing sample immediately to meet schools' application deadlines. Your writing sample will be shared with you and the law schools to which you have applied as soon as it is complete. Beginning with the August 2020 LSAT-Flex, candidates will be required to have a completed writing sample in their file in order to see their test score or have their score released to law schools. To help candidates complete their writing sample, beginning with the August test, LSAT Writing will open eight (8) days prior to each test administration.
If you already have a writing sample on file, you do not need to complete LSAT Writing.
Do I have to take LSAT Writing if I have already completed a writing sample during a previous LSAT administration?
No. Candidates are only required to have one writing sample on file for their LSAT to be considered complete. Writing samples may be from either a previous LSAT administration or from an administration of LSAT Writing.
Will every candidate receive the same writing prompt?
No. Candidates will be presented with a randomly selected prompt that they have not seen during a previous administration of the LSAT or LSAT Writing.
Is LSAT Writing available outside of North America?
Yes. LSAT Writing is available in all locations with access to the internet.
What steps is LSAC taking to protect my privacy?
Initial reviews of LSAT Writing videos will be conducted by trained proctors in a secure, supervised environment that does not allow any images to be copied from the videos being reviewed. If a video is flagged for suspicious behavior or test conduct violations, LSAC Test Security staff will review it through an encrypted portal that prevents any images from being copied for later use.
Registering for LSAT Writing
How do I register for LSAT Writing?
One administration of LSAT Writing is included in your LSAT registration. By registering for the LSAT, you will be automatically eligible to complete the writing section as of eight (8) days before you take the multiple-choice portion of the LSAT. You can access LSAT Writing from your account.
What are the fees associated with LSAT Writing?
The LSAT registration fee includes both the multiple-choice portion of the LSAT and LSAT Writing. There are no additional fees associated with LSAT Writing.
When can I take LSAT Writing?
Candidates are eligible to take LSAT Writing starting eight (8) days prior to their LSAT administration.For your LSAT to be considered complete, you will need to take the LSAT Writing section of the test if you do not already have a writing sample on file from a previous LSAT administration. Most law schools require a writing sample as an integral part of their admission decision, and therefore, you should take the writing sample immediately to meet schools' application deadlines. Your writing sample will be shared with you and the law schools to which you have applied as soon as it is complete. Beginning with the August 2020 LSAT-Flex, candidates will be required to have a completed writing sample in their file in order to see their test score or have their score released to law schools.
How long do I have to complete LSAT Writing?
If you do not have a writing sample on file, we encourage you to complete LSAT Writing as soon as you can. Most law schools require a writing sample as an integral part of their admission decision, and therefore, you should take the writing sample immediately to meet schools' application deadlines. In addition, beginning with the August 2020 LSAT-Flex, candidates will be required to have a completed writing sample in their file in order to see their test score or have their score released to law schools.
In case you are not applying in the current cycle, please note you have a maximum of a year to take LSAT Writing. For questions, please contact LSAC's Candidate Services team at or 215.968.1001.
Can I register to take LSAT Writing as a standalone?
No, we are no longer offering standalone LSAT Writing. For questions, please contact LSAC's Candidate Services team at or 215.968.1001.
Preparing for LSAT Writing
What kind of computer do I need in order to take LSAT Writing?
LSAT Writing requires a desktop or laptop computer running Windows or Mac OS that has a webcam, a microphone, only one connected monitor, and an Internet connection. LSAT Writing is not compatible with mobile devices, Chrome OS, or Linux. The minimum system requirements are summarized in the table below.
System | Requirements |
Operating System | Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 32bit (x86), and 64bit (x64) Mac OS X 10.12 and higher |
RAM | Recommended + 2 GB |
Free Disk Space | 1 GB |
Screen Resolution | 1368 x 769 or higher |
Bandwidth | 300 Kbps up and down |
Minimum Web Camera Resolution | 640 x 480 |
Download | Ability to download and install software |
What if I don't own a computer?
If you do not own a computer and are unable to borrow one, you may be able to take LSAT Writing at a college or university's computer lab, university testing center, university or public library, or some other location that has an appropriate computer in a quiet and private space.If these are not options available to you, we encourage you to call 215.968.1001 and press 0 to speak to an LSAC representative for more information about testing at a test center.We will work with you to ensure you get the support you need to complete LSAT Writing.
How will I log in to take LSAT Writing?
Candidates will launch LSAT Writing using the link provided on the new LSAT Writing page of their account. The link will surface at 12:00 a.m. (ET) on the date eight (8) days prior to the start of the candidate's LSAT administration. Please note that candidates cannot launch LSAT Writing using shortcuts from previous secure browser installations. The exam can only be launched from the individualized link provided in the candidate's account.
Will I be required to download any software to access LSAT Writing?
Yes. Candidates will be required to download and install a secure browser that will deliver the test and record their testing session for proctor review. This installation will occur as part of the sign-in process initiated from the candidate's account.
Will I be able to run the proctoring software on my machine before taking LSAT Writing?
Every candidate who is eligible to take LSAT Writing will have unlimited access to the Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing software, which is designed to enable candidates to become familiar with the LSAT Writing interface and experience. Candidates can access the Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing link in their accounts.
LSAC encourages candidates to use the tool in order to become familiar with LSAT Writing. Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing uses the same software as the actual LSAT Writing test.
Do I need any identification to take LSAT Writing?
Yes. Every candidate will be required to present a valid, government-issued photo ID at the beginning of the exam. Please note that by law, U.S. military IDs cannot be photographed and thus cannot be used for this purpose.
What features are included in the LSAT Writing interface?
LSAT Writing's interface offers many common word-processing functions, including the ability to cut, copy, and paste text within candidates' essays. The interface also includes a built-in spell-check feature that identifies misspelled words and underlines them. Test takers can access a context menu of suggested spelling options from each misspelled word.
Further, LSAT Writing includes a variety of accessibility features, such as zoom buttons, an extra spacing button, and speech-to-text compatibility.
Does LSAT Writing impose a word or space limit for the writing sample?
There is no word or space limit for LSAT Writing. Although a word count is provided below the text box in which you compose your response to the writing prompt, this is for informational purposes only. You are advised not to worry about the length of your writing sample, but instead to concentrate on crafting a response to the prompt that is well-written, cogent, and well-argued.
How is test security managed for LSAT Writing?
The secure proctoring platform uses input from the webcam, microphone, and screen of the candidate's own computer to ensure that the writing sample is the candidate's own work, and that the candidate is not receiving any inappropriate assistance. Prior to the exam, candidates will complete a video check-in process. As part of that process, candidates will be required to display a government-issued ID to the camera, and show their workspace to ensure that only permissible items are in that space. Both sides of any scratch paper must be shown, and the room will be scanned to make sure no other people are in the room. Candidates who require additional items in their workspace due to a disability may seek appropriate accommodations through the standard procedures for requesting testing accommodations. The proctoring software will automatically close any messaging, word-processing, or web-browsing applications before the exam begins and prevent such applications from being opened during the exam. Audio and video from every testing session will be reviewed by trained proctors.
What if I have technical difficulties during LSAT Writing?
If you experience technical difficulties, please contact the 24/7 technical support line at 1.844.644.8248. Please note that candidates who experience technical problems that prevent them from completing their writing sample will be given the opportunity to test again with a different writing prompt.
Will I be able to request accommodations for LSAT Writing?
Yes. Candidates can submit requests for accommodations for LSAT Writing at the same time they request accommodations for the multiple-choice portion of the LSAT, using the same form. The process for reviewing accommodation requests will not change.
What accommodations are available on LSAT Writing?
For information regarding available testing accommodations, visitAccommodations that May Be Available on the LSAT.
Some accommodations that are available on the LSAT will not be needed for LSAT Writing (e.g., extra breaks between sections, a non-Scantron answer sheet).
I require special equipment to read and/or enter text into my computer. Will I be able to use that equipment for LSAT Writing?
LSAT Writing is WCAG 2.0 AA compliant, so most software used to interact with the internet will be compatible. Candidates who require the use of special equipment to access the test are encouraged to use your programs and equipment to explore Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing. Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing is designed to enable candidates to become familiar with the LSAT Writing interface and experience. Candidates can access the Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing link in their accounts.
In the event that candidates with disabilities require additional accommodation to access LSAT Writing, they are encouraged to contact an LSAC Disability Customer Service Representative at or 215.966.6625 (toll-free: 855.384.2253 ) for assistance. Any request for testing accommodations must be submitted by the applicable registration deadline. LSAC is committed to working with candidates to ensure that LSAT Writing is accessible to everyone.
Taking LSAT Writing
Does it matter which web browser I use to launch the exam?
Yes. LSAT Writing can only be launched from Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. The three most recent versions of each of these browsers are supported. Safari is not supported at this time.
What items can I use during LSAT Writing?
Each LSAT Writing test taker is allowed one sheet of blank scratch paper (lined, unlined, or graphed is acceptable), writing implements (regular or mechanical pencils, and/or ink pens), an eraser (no mechanical erasers or erasers with sleeves), and tissues. Additionally, starting with the August 2020 exam, test takers may now use soft, non-electronic, non-corded/banded, generic foam ear plugs. Each of these items must be shown to the camera during the security check-in procedure . Both sides of the scratch paper must be held up and shown to the camera prior to the start of the test.
What electronic devices are prohibited?
Devices that cannot be in the room during LSAT Writing include: timers of any kind, electronic cigarettes, fitness-tracking devices, digital watches, alarm watches, beeping watches, calculator watches, chronograph watches (digital or non-digital), mobile phones, beepers, pagers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), calculators, cameras, recording devices, listening devices (including, but not limited to headphones, ear buds, Air Pods, and other electronic listening devices and/or noise- cancelling devices other than generic foam ear plugs), headsets, and iPods and other media players. Please note that tablets, laptops, and personal computers not being used to take the exam are prohibited.
Prohibited electronic devices may not be in the room during the exam because they cannot be monitored via your webcam feed. Please be aware that your testing session will be flagged, and your writing sample canceled, if any prohibited electronics are noted during the room scan portion of your check-in. This includes any monitors or desktop computers that happen to be on the desk you may be resting your laptop on during the writing session. If your session is flagged, your audio and video data may be referred for an investigation by the Misconduct and Irregularities Subcommittee. More information can be found at Misconduct & Irregularities and in the LSAT Candidate Agreement.
What other items are prohibited?
Test takers may not use briefcases, handbags, or backpacks of any kind. Hats or hoods, except religious apparel, may not be worn. Sunglasses or other eyewear with tinted lenses may not be worn. Books, printed materials, and any reference materials (including, but not limited to, sticky notes, whiteboards, calendars, notebooks, guides, flyers, or other outside materials) prepared prior to the start of your session may not be used.
Non-electronic prohibited items can remain in the room, but they must be put away and not used, accessed, or referenced during the exam.
What if I need headphones, ear plugs, or earbuds to take the exam?
Starting with the August 2020 exam, test takers may now use soft, non-electronic, non-corded/banded, generic foam ear plugs. They must be individually shown to the camera during the security check-in procedure.
Please note: Unless a specified accommodation has been granted, test takers cannot wear headphones, earbuds, or anything similar that is not a soft, non-electronic, non-corded/banded, generic foam ear plug. Additionally, e lectronic noise-canceling devices and/or other noise-canceling devices other than generic foam ear plugs approved by LSAC and/or LSAT Writing personnel are expressly prohibited. These types of items are unable to be monitored and inhibit LSAC's ability to ensure a fair and equal testing environment. It's LSAC's goal to safeguard your test and score by putting this policy in place to mitigate testing irregularities that could result in the cancellation of your Writing Sample.
How do I identify myself before the exam?
When prompted during Step 1 of your session, you must display a physical, valid international passport or a North American government-issued photo ID. The first and last name on your ID must exactly match the first and last name under which you registered for the test. Please ensure that the photo of your ID is clear and recognizable before continuing to Step 2.
Can I use other computer programs while I take LSAT Writing?
All LSAT Writing test takers (with or without test accommodations) are permitted to use external computer programs to make web content accessible, such as screen magnification or keyboard-controlled screen reader software. In order to protect the security of test content, selectable text functionality (i.e., the ability to select text or place the cursor on the screen) is not available on any of LSAC's products. Therefore, the computer-based LSAT Writing is accessible with screen reader software programs that can be controlled and navigated using keystrokes and keyboard commands rather than the mouse and cursor.
Candidates who require the use of special equipment to access the test are encouraged to use your programs and equipment to explore Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing. Get Acquainted With LSAT Writing is designed to enable candidates to become familiar with the LSAT Writing interface and experience. Candidates can access the Get Acquainted with LSAT Writing link in their accounts. If you require any assistance, please contact
Where should I take the exam?
Choose a quiet, well-lit, and private work area where you can complete the exam without interruption. Your face must be clearly visible throughout the exam, and once you begin, you cannot move out of view of the webcam until the exam is over.
What if someone else enters the room while I am taking the exam?
If someone else enters the room, you must ask them to leave immediately. You may continue testing once the person leaves the room. It is not necessary to restart the exam if a brief interruption occurs.
What if my pet enters the room while I'm taking the exam?
If a pet wanders into the room while you are testing, you may continue testing. Your face must be clearly visible throughout the exam, and once you begin, you cannot move out of view of the webcam until the exam is over.
I'm ready to take my exam, but the link to launch the exam isn't on the LSAT Writing page in my account. What do I do?
The link to launch LSAT Writing will not be available in your account until eight (8) days prior to the start of your LSAT administration. If you're checking after your available date and you still don't see the link, please call LSAC at 215.968.1001 and press 0 or send an email to for assistance. Please note that the link to launch your exam will no longer be available after the exam launches, so if you close your exam before submitting your essay, you will have to contact LSAC to reset your eligibility and start the exam over with a new writing prompt.
When I try to launch LSAT Writing, why do I get asked for an access code?
You can only launch LSAT Writing from the link provided in your account. If you are asked for an access code after launching LSAT Writing, you are likely trying to launch the exam by opening a shortcut to a previous installation of the secure browser. When you're ready to take your exam, please close the secure browser, navigate to the LSAT Writing page in your account, and click the link that says Launch LSAT Writing to begin your exam.
After Taking LSAT Writing
When will my writing sample from LSAT Writing be available for inclusion in my Law School Report?
In many cases, LSAT Writing samples will be processed within a week of completion. However, candidates are advised to allow three weeks for processing before their writing sample can be included in a Law School Report.Your writing sample will be shared with you and the law schools to which you have applied as soon as it is complete.
Are the writing samples from LSAT Writing scored?
No. There are currently no plans to score the writing samples from LSAT Writing.
Do schools read my writing sample?
Most law schools require an LSAT writing sample as an integral part of their admission decision, and many admission professionals have reported that the new approach to LSAT Writing has made the writing sample more useful in their candidate evaluation processes. However, each school uses writing samples in their own way.
Do all writing samples get reported to the law schools?
No. LSAC will include up to the three most recent reportable writing samples with your law school report. Writing samples are only reportable for five years. Writing samples that are more than five years old will not get reported to law schools.
Note that candidates only need to have one reportable writing sample on file for their LSAT to be considered complete.
Your LSAT Writing sample will be shared with you and the law schools to which you have applied as soon as it is complete.
Can I review my writing sample after I have completed LSAT Writing?
Yes. Each candidate will have an opportunity to read their writing sample immediately after completing the exam. Candidates will also have the opportunity to view their writing sample after it has been processed by LSAC for inclusion in Law School Reports.
What will be recorded during the test, and what will you do with the videos after the exam?
Input from the candidate's webcam and microphone will be recorded, as well as everything happening on the candidate's screen during the exam. No videos or images from LSAT Writing will be shared with any law schools. However, audio and video data will be retained in a secure location for later review in the event of a misconduct and irregularities investigation. See Misconduct & Irregularities and LSAT Candidate Agreement for more information.
How Long Is The Lsat Writing
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