
What Do Plants, Animals, Automobiles, And Campfires Have In Common?

Are plants, animals and other living things as different every bit we recall? How much do they really wait similar? Plants, fungi and animals differ, simply all three belong to the same domain, eukaryotic, in contrast to bacteria and archaea. Already within plants and animals, in that location are organisms that have a body arrangement superior to the balance, are higher organisms. So that yous can learn more than about these types of living beings, in this article, nosotros review the similarities and differences between plants and animals in a simple fashion and with summary. Take note!

Similarities between plants and animals

We begin by explaining what these living beings have in common. Thus, some of themain similarities between plants and animals are:

They are living beings

Both plants and animals are living beings that are born, grow, feed, follow reproductive cycles and finally die, that is, they follow the then-called life bike.

Both have eukaryotic cells

Different the prokaryotic cells of leaner, plants and animals possess eukaryotic cells, with a well-defined nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles specialized in specific functions. Some organelles differ between the ii, such as the presence of chloroplasts in found cells and mitochondria in animals.

Learn more about their cells in this other commodity in which we explain the similarity and difference betwixt fauna and plant cells .

They demand water, nutrients and sun

Both need to capture certain substances from the environment, with the only difference being the method they use. Thus, while animals ingest them with food, plants absorb them from the soil. This is the case of water and nutrients. In addition, both organisms need sunlight to live.

They have biochemical routes and biomolecules in common

In both plants and animals there are certain mutual cellular biochemical pathways. They likewise possess certain mutual biomolecules forming part of their organism and their cells.

Impulse movement capacity

Plants are unable to move or move through their environment as animals do, merely they do take limited move capacity to, for example, capture the highest light intensity in an surface area or the movement of the roots towards where the nutrients are located. For example, that plants abound or plough in the management of the dominicus, is known equally tropism and is one of its main capabilities to move by an impulse, as animals do with diverse things.

Differences between plants and animals

The differences between both kinds of organisms are diverse. These are theprimary differences between plants and animals that we can find:

Plants do not have appliances that animals do

Plants do not have locomotor, digestive, excretory, respiratory or nervous systems. Since plants can brand their own organic substances directly, they practise non need appliances that assimilate or serve for excretion.

The plants practice not have respiratory system

Plants do not have a respiratory system similar that of animals, but information technology is a structure called stoma which is responsible for transporting air from the subestomatic bedchamber to the interior of the organism, where gas exchange takes place.

The plants do not move

Plants are autotrophic organisms, that is, they manufacture their own food through the process of photosynthesis . The substances that the plant needs are sunlight, carbon dioxide and h2o, therefore all the substances that it needs for its nutrition are in the air and in the soil and therefore it does non need to move completely gratis. In addition, the locomotor apparatus of animals, which allows them to motility, needs a nervous system and organs of the senses that plants do not take.

The cells of plants have a cell wall

Another characteristic that differentiates beast plants is in their cells. Establish cells accept rigid jail cell walls that limit changes in shape and move, while animals do not. The animal cells are able to change shape and move a scrap in their internal environment.

The internal circulation of liquids

As in animals, there is a liquid transport system in plants. Still, in animals this process is carried out by ways of the blood that runs through a circulatory system, driven past the forcefulness of the pumping of the eye. In the plants this process is carried out by the sap and other liquids that circulate through a organisation of tubes, which is non called the circulatory system. In addition, the plants practice not possess a pump comparable to the heart.

Plants grow almost unlimited

Unlike animals, plants have a potentially unlimited growth. Plants grow during their life by the action of meristematic tissues. Instead, animals grow to a predetermined size in their genetics.

The social organization in animals

Different plants, animals tin can develop systems of societies, in which their individuals play a specific role in guild. An example of this are bee hives or pismire societies.

Plants can reproduce asexually

Most plants tin reproduce without fusion of sex cells or gametes, in addition to sexually, while in animals, asexual reproduction is very rare, just occurs in very inferior animals such every bit starfish. Unlike sexual reproduction, the asexual does not generate genetic variability, and so the children are identical to the private from which they descend. Examples of this reproduction in plants is the generation of new plants past cuttings or past parts of another constitute.

Summary of the similarities and differences between plants and animals

To finish, these are thesimilarities and differences between plants and animals equally a summary :


  • Both are formed with eukaryotic cells.
  • Both animals and plants are living beings.
  • The two types of living beings need h2o, nutrients and sunlight to survive.
  • They take biochemical pathways and certain like biomolecules.
  • Both plants and animals have the ability to move guided past impulses.


  • The plants practice not have or need digestive devices, nor of excretion, respiration, locomotors or others that the animals do.
  • Plants practice not move, animals do.
  • The cells of plants have a prison cell wall.
  • The internal apportionment of liquids is different.
  • The plants grow practically unlimited, but the animals take a specific size.
  • There is social organization in animals and in plants there is non.
  • Plants can reproduce asexually, whereas animals mainly reproduce sexually and very few do so asexually, being lower animals in evolution.

Broadly speaking, we can encounter that there are more than differences than similarities between plants and animals.


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